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Welcome to CWA Morwell Evening Group
Home: Welcome
CWA Morwell Evening Group is a newly formed group. We are all about creating friendships, connections, learning & supporting our community.

Home: About
Our Activities
We are a very active group if you like what you see come and join us

Australia Day 2019

Morwell Rose Garden Festival

Craft Alive Morwell 2018

Berry Street Family Day

Bunnings Cake Stalls

Having Fun Creating Friendships

Learning a New Skill
Home: Services
Home: Instagram

Come Visit
We meet twice a month with a social gathering on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and a meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Most times will be 6pm at the Rose Garden Room, 2-4 Maryvale Crescent, Morwell, but may vary.
Please see our Facebook page for our events.
Home: Hours
PO Box 3357 Gippsland Mail Centre Vic 3841
Meeting Room - "Rose Garden Room" 2-4 Maryvale Crescent Morwell Victoria

Home: Contact
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